Help With Windows XP Unnecessary

by Pat
(Oklahoma, USA)

Windows XP Desktop Theme

Windows XP Desktop Theme

What I like about Windows XP is it simply works! It is a stable Operating System that does exactly what I need it to do.

I used to play many computer games. However, I don't do a lot of gaming any more, and therefore I don't need anything too fancy.

I like the way everything on Windows XP is set up. I have used this version of Windows for many years and can make my way around it without any difficulties.

In addition, I run an online business and I need to make sure my computer is reliable. I can't afford to be offline, as I need to respond to visitor requests in a timely manner.

My son has a Windows Vista computer, and it is nothing but trouble!. It keeps freezing, Blue Screening, and running slow for seemingly no apparent reason.

Therefore, I am so glad that I stayed with XP. It is a mature operating system that is much more stable than its successor!

The commercials for Windows 7 looked interesting back when it first came out, but I don't know anyone who has it.

I have no real reason to move from Windows XP and learn how to use another operating system all over again.

I must admit, I didn't know there even was a Windows 8! LOL. I guess I'm behind the times.

To answer your question, if they stopped supporting or updating XP I would, of course, consider an upgrade, or if for some reason I needed a new computer, then I would research it and get the system that met my needs the best at the time.

I am aware of other operating systems such as the Apple Mac OS X, and free operating systems such as Linux Ubuntu.

I haven't ruled anything out when it comes to replace my current PC or operating system.

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No Help with Windows XP
by: Steve

Hello Pat,

Thank you for taking the time to contribute. Microsoft Windows XP was released on the 25th October 2001. Over 10 years later, it is still one of the more popular Operating systems in use.

After over a decade since its release, it is no surprise that people are used to its look and feel, its stability, and how to use it. Even many Businesses are still using Windows XP. They decided not to migrate to Windows Visa, for exactly the same reasons you describe, Pat.

Windows Vista is the equivalent to Windows ME for poor quality. Vista's additional functions such as Aero (a visual theme which enables you to do things like preview web pages, video etc. when you point your mouse to the task bar) requires much more system resource (processing power, RAM, etc.) to run than XP. Microsoft advised disabling Aero if you are experiencing issues.

This leads to 'jitter' or poor performance when doing things like listening to music or watching videos. Device drivers for hardware components were also in their infancy when Vista was released in 2007. No wonder people like your son has difficulties.

Windows 7 resolved a lot of the issues experienced in Vista. It is an overall much better operating system, and one some Businesses decided to migrate to.

The benefits of Windows 7 includes new functionality programs such as Internet Explorer 9 can take advantage of to improve performance. It also includes enhanced security features to protect for malware and viruses.

Windows 8 is due for release later in the year. It comes with the Metro UI (User Interface) which is geared up to compete with the explosion of touch screen technologies such as the Apple iPad.

Touch Screen technologies included in the numerous mobile devices on the market, and with their varying operating systems, e.g. Android, Web OS, etc., it is not surprising that Microsoft have tweaked their tactics for their next operating system release.

Thanks again,


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