Stephen Harrison B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., MBCS, CITP
Free Computer Virus Scan looks at free tools and utilities made available on anti virus websites.
After reading this page, your knowledge to find and use the different types of tools available improves.
Their purpose and actions vary depending on the Virus they are dealing with. Some scan your computer after you initiate the scan. Some run automatically in a command prompt. Some reboot your computer.
We will look at a typical example of each, so you are confident enough to use other programs if ever you are in trouble.
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Many virus removal tools are provided free of charge by anti-virus programmers who find virus writers morally repugnant.
The Viruses these utilities are designed to remove are often beyond the capability of your anti virus program.
This is part 2 of a series on how to remove computer viruses from your computer.
Part 1 looks at some of the most popular and best free anti virus programs available today.
A little known trade secret of the IT Industry to test your Anti-Virus program is working correctly. IT Professionals use this technique frequently, and it is straightforward for you to use it too.
Rootkit.Win32.TDSS is a nasty Malware Family that allows the cyber criminal to secretly take over your computer. They have full access to do or take anything from your PC.
Kaspersky provide Anti-Rootkit utility TDSSKiller free of charge on their website. This Free Virus Scan utility removes all forms of this rootkit from your computer. To download and run the utility.
Many utilities work in this way. Another example of such a utility is the McAfee Stinger.
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The Trojan-Spy.Win32.Zbot family logs the keys you press on your keyboard, stealing your passwords to online banking and other secrets access codes. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication whenever it is available.
This particular Trojan is completely silent, so you would never know of its existence until the damage is done.
When you download and run this virus removal service, it opens up a Command Prompt. Wait, patiently, for the scan process to complete. If ZBot is on your computer, this utility removes it.
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Trojan.Zeroaccess is a Trojan Horse that uses your computer's capabilities to make money through various means such as targeted adverts.
The Symantec Zero Access Fix Tool is another useful free computer virus scan tool. Expect to reboot your machine part of the removal process. To use this utility.
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The Bitdefender USB Immunizer Tool is another useful free computer virus Scan prevention utility.
Viruses are initiated on USB Sticks using the autorun function. That means they load automatically when you plug your USB stick into your computer.
The Conficker Worm is a notorious infection that can spread in this way. Autorun was designed to help home computer users reinstall software easily. However, cyber criminals exploit this to their advantage.
This tool prevents autorun from working, thereby thwarting the cyber criminal's attempt to infect your machine.
In late 2011, Microsoft disabled autorun on all its supported Operating Systems by issuing a Windows Update to changes your computers settings.
The free computer virus scan Tool released by Bitdefender is added protection against cyber criminals. To use the utility.
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I hope the examples above help your confidence in finding and using free virus removal tools to protect your home PCs.
These types of programs are essential to clean computer virus infections that are potentially difficult for your anti virus program to remove.
Companies like McAfee and Kaspersky offer virus removal service utilities free of charge. The choice of utilities is constantly increasing as more vicious and persistent viruses are written by cyber criminals.
I recommend you read my review of the best free anti virus software on the market today. See Free Virus Removal Software for details.